

St.Joseph's Cemetery sign Luigi D'Arminio Gravemarker

St. Joseph's Cemetery sign
Luigi "Louis" D'Arminio's Grave Marker



      This grave marker which is at St. Joseph’s Cemetery, located at
179 Hackensack Avenue, Hackensack, New Jersey reveals that Luigi “Louis” D’Arminio served in the U.S. Army during World War I as a Bugler and died at the age of 81. 

On July 17, 2017, I called Louis D’ Arminio class of 1969 of Hackensack, whose father is also named Louis "Lee" D’Arminio, who served during World War II, to find out if they were related and he told me that Luigi “Louis” D’Arminio, the Bugler during World War I was his Grandpa, which makes him the father of Louis D’Arminio, Carmen D’Armino, Angelo D’Arminio, who all served in World War II and Anthony D’Arminio and Michael D’Arminio who served during the Korean War.

Louis D’Arminio was most likely listed in the 1918 Honor Roll list as
Luigi D’Arninio. It was very common for Italian names to be misspelled in the paper and his first name was originally “Luigi” according to Louis D’Arminio class of 1969.   

Let us never forget the family's sacrifice.     
Written by:
Bob Meli
July 17, 2017